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Thursday 21 September 2006

Amazing Brain Writing Prize

Hot on the heels of the EPSRC's awards for IT writing, here's news of the Amazing Brain Writing Prize. First a word of caution, it means "amazing brain" as opposed to "amazing prize," which is a grand £250. Still, you have to start somewhere.

Coming from the European Dana Alliance for the Brain, and The British Neuroscience Association, the idea is "to find the best brain communicators in the country. We'’re looking for a newspaper style science article of around 650 words on the subject of brain science."

There are two prizes, one open to everyone while the "researchers prize provides an opportunity for those working in brain-research (or related fields) to tell the world about their research".

How about a prize that brings together writing about IT and the brain? After all, the government gave a lot of money to a bunch of researchers to conduct a Foresight study on just this.